L2 Brands

League and Legacy

The L2 Brands company operates the League and Legacy brands.

Since the early 1990s, League and Legacy have independently crafted premium, vintage-inspired apparel, headwear, and home décor from their Pennsylvania roots.

In 2018, these two like-minded companies merged to create L2 Brands, pooling their expertise and passion for delivering top-notch products and comfort. The combined forces of League and Legacy, now L2 Brands, aim to continue their tradition of trendsetting design, meticulous graphics, and excellent service. With a commitment to customer happiness as their core value, L2 Brands anticipates growth through innovation, expansion into new markets, and a dedicated team.

Website: https://league-legacy.com/

Contact: Alison Manley - amanley@l2brands.com


In 1991, Drew Wolf and Larry Klebanoff founded League, initially producing D-ring sailing belts for college bookstores. Over time, they expanded from a small basement operation to a full line of accessories known for their on-trend yet classic appeal. League is deeply committed to the rich traditions of the collegiate experience, emphasizing top-quality products, beautiful fabrications, and meticulous attention to detail and comfort.

Catalog: https://5677758.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5677758/Catalogs%20-%202024/2024%20League%20College%20Catalog%20-%20E-File.pdf

Contact: Alison Manley - amanley@l2brands.com


Legacy, founded in 1992 by law school roommates Mark Landgren and Paige Wingert, began in a small off-campus apartment. Focused on creating well-fitting, high-quality caps, they developed a retro-inspired baseball cap with a low-crown shape. Overcoming challenges, including a near bankruptcy in 1999, Legacy expanded its offerings to become a leading supplier of headwear, apparel, and home décor for colleges and resorts nationwide. Today, the brand remains dedicated to vintage-inspired design, studying trends, and maintaining a reputation for comfortable baseball caps.

Catalog: https://5677758.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5677758/Catalogs%20-%202024/2024%20Legacy%20College%20Catalog%20-%20E-File%20-%20Update%202.pdf

Contact: Alison Manley - amanley@l2brands.com