Stanford Colors

You may be asking, what are the Stanford colors? Find the color information below.

Stanford colors are Cardinal Red and White. Find full color information below, including Pantone, HEX, RGB, as well as CMYK.

Cardinal Red

Pantone: PMS 201

HEX: #8C1515

RGB: (140, 21, 21)

CMYK: (0, 100, 65, 34)



HEX: #ffffff

RGB: (255, 255, 255)


Stanford Colors HEX Color Codes

HEX Color code for Stanford Cardinal Red is #8C1515

HEX Color code for Stanford White is #ffffff

Below is the Cardinal Red HEX color code for Stanford.

HEX: 8C1515

Below is the White HEX color code for Stanford.

HEX: ffffff

Stanford Colors Pantone Color Codes

Pantone Color code for Stanford Cardinal Red is PMS 201

Pantone Color code for Stanford White is PMS

Below is the Cardinal Red Pantone color code for Stanford.

PMS: 201

Below is the White Pantone color code for Stanford.


Stanford Colors RGB Color Codes

RGB Color code for Stanford Cardinal Red is (140, 21, 21)

RGB Color code for Stanford White is (255, 255, 255)

Below is the Cardinal Red RGB color code for Stanford.

RGB: (140, 21, 21)

Below is the White RGB color code for Stanford.

RGB: (255, 255, 255)

Stanford Colors CMYK Color Codes

CMYK Color code for Stanford Cardinal Red is (0, 100, 65, 34)

CMYK Color code for Stanford White

Below is the Cardinal Red CMYK color code for Stanford.

CMYK: (0, 100, 65, 34)

Below is the White CMYK color code for Stanford.